Carrier Screening Panels

Carrier Screening Panels

Carrier screening is a genetic test used to determine if a healthy individual or a couple are carriers of genetic mutations that could be transmitted to their children.

If both partners are carriers of a disease causing gene, they have a 25% risk of having an affected child with a recessive genetic disease and a 50% that the child will be a carrier like the parents. 

Carrier Screening Tests, can be offered to individuals or couples; 

  • who do not have a genetic disease but have a family history, to learn about their genetic disease risks,
  • For couples with a history of genetic disease or a previous child with a genetic disease,
  • For consanguineous couples,
  • For couples from ethnic communities with a high incidence of certain genetic diseases.

In our center we serve wide range and combined genetic testing solutions for carrier screening like;

Chromosome Analysis + Single Gene Analysis (SMA, FMR)

Chromosome Analysis + 331 Gene Panel 

Chromosome Analysis + Clinical Exome Sequencing

Chromosome Analysis + Whole Exome Sequencing 

For more information please contact with us.