MicroArray (aCGH)

MicroArray (aCGH)

Comperative Genome Hybridization (aCGH), is a high-tech molecular cytogenetic method used to detect changes in DNA that are too small to be observed with a microscope. 

Micro array testing looks for  extra (duplicated) or missing (deleted) chromosomal segments, sometimes called copy number variants (CNVs).

When Microarray Testing is recommended? 

Beside chromosomal changes, microarray testing is recommended to diagnose mosaizm, to diagnose uniparental disomy (UPD) and regions exhibiting loss/absence of heterozygosity (LOH), in complex cases like autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, multiple congenital malformations. 

There are two main microarray solutions according to resolution type;

  • MicroArray 750K
  • MicroArray HD